The Mr. Fahad Taweleh President Al-Rakhaa & Eng. Hani Ashour visit to the M.E.U on 11.2.2012 , with the aim of signing a cooperation agreement between Al-Rakhaa Association and the University.Where he was received by Prof. Dr. Maher Salim , head of the University of the Middle East and a number of members of the Board of Directors and began the meeting by welcoming the delegation of the representative the Assembly Fahd Tawileh – President of Al-Rakhaa and eng. Hani Ashour and faculty member Assembly member Dr Sulaiman Sheiab. Proceeding from the principle of scientific and cultural cooperation between the University of the Middle East and the Association of prosperity for businessmen signed a memorandum of cooperation between the parties where they are through which granted the sons of members of the Association of prosperity for business students at the Middle East University , a partial grant .At the end of the meeting , thanked Mr. Fahd Tawileh the university administration on this initiative and expressed his appreciation to the university administration and its willingness to provide business expertise to our students in the field of transfer of expertise